Author Archive for ‘ ’

  I find that, in the past, I have tended to be a “streaky” reader, but which I mean that I will find an author and read everything that I can find by that author.  Eventually I run into a dead-end when I run out of books by that author and typically spend a while aimlessly looking […]

Several of you are aware of the Financial Planning for CPAs conference that I attended a little while back.  I won a random drawing to win a book by one of the speakers.  Many (well, ok, probably only a couple) of you have been eagerly awaiting this review. The book details the fictional story of a CPA […]

So, in a moment of uncertaintly following completion of my multi-month journey through The Lord of the Rings, I decided to pull off of the bookshelf I have probably had for 10 years but had never read.  The book is actually the second book written by  Dave Dravecky (a former pitcher for the San Francisco […]